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Is TEFL worth it? TEFL国际英语教师资格证含金量

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If you are asking about a TESOL certificate, you can’t go wrong. It is totally worth your time and money if you want to teach English to non-native students.

Most schools or ESL academies overseas invariably look for one—it is their default question. They don’t seem to particularly know why, just that it is a requirement.

The TESOL certificate is simply an indication that you have had some training on being an ESL teacher. This requirement stemmed from a flood of unqualified “native speakers” in the industry who knew little about teaching language.

Now, some countries such as S. Korea, China, Thailand,   require one for any teacher seeking an ESL teaching job in the country.It would be a good idea to get one—it will be your ticket into the show. Even with a master’s in teaching English (TESOL), and a PhD in the area of education, potential employers still look for that TESOL certificate.A TESOL certificate is a relatively low-cost investment when you consider the returns - a jumpstart into one of the most exciting, flexible, and lucrative careers possible.

Our TESOL Certification course teaches you how to become an English language teacher. You will not learn English in the course, you are expected to already know English. The course covers all of the fundamental components of teaching English to non-native speakers. Our TESOL Certification course has 22 units in total and includes video lectures and activities that you can use in the classroom. When you have completed the course, you can use your certificate to work as an English language teacher worldwide. In today's global economy, knowledge of the English language has become a core need for any professional. This has created a huge demand for English teachers abroad. Get TESOL qualified through our online or in class TESOL Certification program and begin your teaching journey. 


TESL stands for Teaching English as a Second Language and refers to teaching English to non-native speakers in a native-speaking country.

TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and refers to teaching English to non-native speakers in a country where English is NOT an official language.

TESOL is an umbrella term that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and refers to teaching English to non-native speakers in your home country, or abroad. TESOL certificates are generally more in-depth and deliver more learning material.

CELTA stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults.



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